Društvo psihologa Srbije

Serbia Društvo psihologa Srbije
Long name: Društvo psihologa Srbije
Short name: Društvo psihologa Srbije
Address: ĐUŠINA 7/III
ZIP and place: 11060 BEOGRAD-PALILULA
Region: Grad Beograd
Registration number: 07054246
Tax: 100205846
Bank Account:
Serbia 840-0000013534763-39
Ministarstvo finansija Uprava za trezor
Serbia 170-0039004125004-67
Unicredit Bank Srbija A.D.- Beograd
Serbia 170-0039004125002-73
Unicredit Bank Srbija A.D.- Beograd
Serbia 170-0000000000755-77
Unicredit Bank Srbija A.D.- Beograd
Legal form: Association, federation of associations
Date founded: 2/20/1953
Activity: Activities of professional membership organisations